a few minutes to write your honest thoughts about this challenge. Your likes
and dislikes; your struggles; how you feel about yourself today in comparison
to 27 days ago. You may want to leave me a comment about your thoughts. These
28 days were for you and hopefully you love yourself more today than yesterday
and you will love yourself more tomorrow than you do today. You won’t have good
days all the time, but hopefully you’ll have more good days than bad. Go back
through this challenge again in a couple of months and repeat it as often as
needed. If you need encouragement or prayer leave a comment.
you for accepting this challenge. I hope that you feel better about yourself
and your relationship with God.
you Lord for allowing me to experience your presence and a renewed sense of who
I am. Thank for all the women who completed this challenge. Continue to bless
them greatly and give us all the encouragement we need to love the person that you
made. In Jesus’ name, Amen.