Monday, April 27, 2015

"Same Mentality", by El Henry

Intro: My dear husband has written a post to share with you and I am so proud of him. Please share, comment, & subscribe! Hopefully, he'll share another post soon.

Many of my close friends and family know I am a huge Heavy D fan in every aspect, (LOL: I am a big man). Heavy D’s third studio album Peaceful Journey was a hip-hop classic. One of my favorite tracks was “Is It Good to You” (track #9). In the second verse Heavy D is asked “And what about love?” Then he says “Love's a possibility but let's make sure we share the same mentality”. I found those two lines so profound. When we're dating we can get caught up in shallow and somewhat meaningless discussions; you know what I mean - little cutesy stuff without substance. Now that I am 18 years in the game, (married and blessed – that game) I view things on a whole new level. Getting to know your spouse is vital because we are always evolving and growing (I think I am real deep now that I am 40) as a person, husband or wife.
Your spouse is not a clone of you and you shouldn't expect them to be. When discussing certain topics there may be different mindsets, which is Okie Dokie! Zina and I have so many commonalities. But last Sunday I had a different viewpoint about the topic of opposite sex friends; which caused a rift between us for a minute. In the past we both felt the same - that opposite sex friends were a No-No. However, on this particular day, after a wonderful time at Spaghetti Warehouse and going to a ballet (Swan Lake), I stated that I had changed my views. After we talked about it and I thought about it, I realized that having opposite sex friends can only work in a perfect world. So it seems, we (Zina and I) do share the “Same Mentality” (at least on this topic) and we will be doing a video on this topic soon. 
I wanted this blog entry to be from a man’s point of view. And right now today in 2015 it’s not too late to make sure you and your spouse share the “same mentality” on many topics from God, finances, child rearing, career paths, sex, and so on. Please guard the heart of your spouse. Love is awesome! So I advise you all to have a discussion about real things - those uncomfortable topics and listen to one another and grow more and more in love. Remember you won't always agree, but be sure to hear what your spouse has to say. Then dim the lights and jam to some Heavy D!
Peace Out,
RIP Heavy D

Big El a.k.a. Zina’s Man!

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