About me

Zina Henry. I have a personal relationship with Christ & the one and only true God. Married to El Henry, the love of my life. We have one son, CJ - sometimes called "the child". Our marriage is filled with fun, love, passion, and more fun. We laugh all the time, sometimes at each other. El will say we laugh at him most of the time. I disagree...lol. El and I started a marriage ministry in our home in 2007 because we were being obedient to God and wanted to help other marriages.

We have survived infidelity and because of our relationship with Christ, we have a better marriage today! We have to work hard every day to keep our marriage thriving and keep the enemy out. We enjoy sharing knowledge from our past experiences to help others have a thriving marriage.

Thank you for visiting my blog. I hope you find something here to encourage your marriage or to encourage you. I try to post at least once a week, but don't hold me to that - lol. We also have a YouTube Channel that has several marriage videos my husband and I have published. Check out our website at http://godsunionmm.com to get updates on marriage conferences and upcoming events. Please subscribe to the blog as well as to our YouTube Channel. Thanks!

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