Thursday, March 5, 2015

Do you like your spouse?

El and I enjoy spending time together. No, really! We enjoy spending a lot of time together. In fact, we can't wait to get home every day to see each other. We want to talk to each other throughout the day (that's why use Yahoo IM). We enjoy our days off together and when we're apart, we yearn to be back each other's presence. Have you ever felt like that? Does your spouse or significant other make you want to be around them all the time? So you may be asking, what's the secret? 

Well I think the reason El and I want to be around each other so much is because there are no expectations. Meaning, we don't expect each other to perform. We are relaxed and comfortable around each other. We don't care about hair, makeup, teeth, feet, etc. We can be completely open and vulnerable. Neither of us is going to use something said against the other later. We don't criticize each other. If something is bothering us, we just say it (in love of course). We're constantly trying to improve our relationship by improving ourselves. We want to be a better spouse for each other. We're not afraid to let our guard down (even after past hurts). We like each other. Not just love, but we like each other. And we laugh together every day. But most importantly, we have a relationship with Christ. It is because of that relationship that we are able to have the relationship (with each other) that we have. This doesn't make us holier than thou - it makes us closer as husband and wife. We respect our marriage and demand that others respect it as well. We keep each other informed so there are no surprises or tricks from the enemy. We're constantly learning each other. We pay attention to each other by observing and studying behaviors. We like each other.  

Spend some time getting to know your spouse again. Rekindle the reasons why you like them. Invest in your marriage by making it intentional and demand that others respect your marriage by safeguarding your spouse's heart from the attacks of the enemy. 

Share reasons why you like your spouse. We'd love to hear from you. Don't forget to share this blog, comment, and subscribe. 

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