Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Tuesday Tip #1 - Plug into the Power of Prayer

My husband and I have made a habit of praying together and praying for our marriage. We pray for each other as well as for ourselves to be better spouses to one another. We have asked couples (over the years) do they pray for their marriage, and many of them said no. Most of them have never thought to pray for their marriage. We tend to go to God about everything in life except our marriages. We pray for our health, finances, children, etc. but we fail to include our marriages. Maybe we think it is selfish or that God can't help us with our marriage. Maybe we secretly think we're the problem and praying about it would cause us to change - when we want our spouse to do the changing.

This week's tip is prayer. Sounds simple? Well it is. You can pray together every night or day. And below is a list of things we want you to pray for. You can pray these prayers every night or just on the designated day. You and your spouse may pray silently together, one praying aloud, or in conversational prayer (one prays aloud and then pauses and the other spouse prays aloud and pauses and that continues until you're both finished).

1. Today - Pray that God will make your marriage what He would have it to be. That God will give your marriage a purpose.
2. Wednesday - Pray that God will keep temptation away from your marriage and if either of you are tempted that God will offer a quick escape that you will immediately take.
3. Thursday - Pray that your sex life will be fulfilling and joyous to both you and your spouse. Ask God to forgive you of past sexual sins and that you can release those past sins to enjoy sexual intimacy with your spouse.
4. Friday - Pray that you will share effective communication with one another. That God will help you listen attentively to each other and respond in love.
5. Saturday - Pray that you will have a better relationship with Christ. That both of you will yearn for a closer relationship with Christ.
6. Sunday - Pray that God will make you good stewards over your finances and other things that He has allowed you to borrow during your stay on earth. Being a good steward, keeps you from fighting over money.
7. Monday - Pray that prayer brings you closer as a couple and that you will continue to pray together even after this week; making this a priority.

Pray with the expectation that something will happen! 
El & Zina

Let us know how this week went and share any blessings you receive. Don't forget to subscribe to the blog to receive future emails about blog posts.

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