Saturday, November 15, 2008

Weekend to Remeber Update

If you were unable to attend this weekend's marriage retreat; you need not to miss the next one. We have been enjoying ourselves tremendously this weekend, since Friday night. I do not want the weekend to end; however, Sunday is our last day. Thus far we have learned how to keep God at the center of our marriages, stay focused on our spouse's needs, make them a priority in our lives, and love unconditionally. We wrote a love letter to our spouses and I can truly say this is a weekend to remember. We shared, cried, and learned to love again.

Thanks to

1 comment:

  1. Hi Zina,
    I have to amen you on the whole Weekend to Remember thing. It was fabulous. I learned so much about myself that weekend. I'm learning to look at me to God when problems arise and to make sure that I'm lining up with the word.
