I remember the first day I met El, late in 1995. I was working as a teller supervisor at NBC (which is now Suntrust) in front of the Hickory Ridge Mall. He walked into the bank to make a deposit from his employer, Casual Male Big and Tall. He waited for me so I could take his deposit. He immediately tried to talk to me and get my number. I hate to admit it, but at the time, I wasn't really interested. He was 4 years younger than I was and I was ready to settle down. But I told him he could call me if he found my phone number (it was listed - LOL). Well he found my number and he also found out that we lived in the same neighborhood, Raleigh, (Memphis, TN) only about 5 minutes away from each other.
Later, I began to visit El at his job, which was down the street from where I worked - what a coincidence. We lived by each other and we worked by each other. El and I became really close friends, sharing stories about our past and present love interests (which we soon ended). We started spending a lot of time together...he would stay at my house for hours, making kool-aid, helping me with the dishes, playing with my son, and keeping me company. We talked about everything and I mean everything! And when he went home, we talked on the phone. He became my best friend. I felt safe and comfortable around El. We spent all of Spring Break (1996) together and when my favorite cousin, Dana, met him for the first time, she said, "He is going to be your husband!" (She'd never said that before). She even let him drive her new car!
When I met El's mom, she told me that El already had a wife and that I would be his second wife. I laughed and told her apparently the first wife wasn't woman enough to keep El because he was marrying me. She laughed and I knew then, I was in! I passed the test. When I met El's dad and mom, there was an instant connection. I felt as if I had known them my whole life. His family also accepted my son and loved him like he had been a part of their family from day one.
Eventually we decided to move in together. It was during that time while we were looking for an apartment that I realized how much I wanted this man in my life for a long time and not just as a friend. I'd never been so in love before. He was definitely sent by God. I remember praying and asking God if El was my spouse and it was clear that he was! However, us living together posed a threat because we were sinning and being disobedient toward God. So we decided we would get married in 1998; however, when we visited my aunt in Nashville, she suggested 1997. (Which revealed I had her approval and that she liked El. She even mentioned that she believed my father would have liked him if he was still alive - El was the one!). But after God pricked my heart, I realized our relationship might not last if we continued to live in sin. So before the year was out, we started planning a wedding in August of 1996 (we had 3 months before the big day - can you say stressed).
One of the things I remember El asking me was "How are we going to pay for a wedding?" And I told him God will provide. And God did provide. My cousin Tony supplied our flowers. My mom made the bridesmaids dresses. El's aunt, Althea, catered the reception. My cousin, Corey, was our photographer (he was married exactly 2 weeks before us). My other cousin, Carla, was my coordinator and my friend Winnie filled in on that day because Carla was out of town. Winnie also did my makeup. Todd Day let us borrow his Mercedes for the weekend. [Our families were excited about our marriage - so awesome to have in-laws and family get along with and like the spouses; we had that love and support from both of our families] I put my dress in layaway and made payments. We didn't even get our rings until 2 weeks before the big day. So when I would tell people I was engaged, they would look at my hand and I would say, "I don't have my ring yet". I didn't even care about the ring...I would have married El without a ring! I was marrying my best friend. The wedding day was so special. We took my mother-in-law home after the reception and then went home to open presents and entertain guests. When our company left, we went to Taco Bell and ate it on Riverside Drive. We attended church the next day at New Salem and after church we checked into the French Quarters on Madison (which is closed now). We spent two nights there before getting back to the real world. I remember the way I felt that day and I still feel the same today...in love.
Not only do I have a wonderful husband (my son has an awesome father), but I also have wonderful in-laws which I love dearly and they love me! We all get along so well! [My mom hangs out with El's mom and his grandmother - we're all one big family].
El and I have had our share of trials, but I can't begin to explain how much I love this man. I am so blessed that God has favor on me to give me such an awesome gift - my husband.
18 years ago on November 9, 1996 I married my very best friend...the one I laugh with, cry with, and love. Happy Anniversary, baby!
I absolutely love this!! Almost similar to my story and of course we've talked about it before!! It is so great to hear stories about people marriages because I've only made it to year 3 and plan on making it even further like you all!