Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Rejuvenate your marriage!

Now that Spring has arrived, many of us are doing the traditional "Spring Cleaning". Getting rid of the old, packing up the winter coats and boots, and reorganizing space is the norm. However, as we begin to organize our physical space, we should think about our personal space. The space between two spouses. The atmosphere in the home. Does your marriage need to be rejuvenated or revived? When was the last time you went on a date, just the two of you? When was the last time you held hands? Looked into each other's eyes? Laughed at something funny together? Shared the last piece of cake together? It amazes me how much time we sacrifice for other things but then allow our marriage to wither away. If you are not making your spouse a priority, then your marriage is going to suffer. And stop making excuses! Excuses are like (you know)...everyone has one. When you make excuses, you're basically saying that you are a sorry excuse for a spouse and not willing to try. Why stay married and miserable if you are not going to put forth effort. You're wasting your time and your spouse's time. Shit or get off the pot! (In El's voice

Here are some quick tips to rejuvenate your marriage today!
1. Embrace often! In the morning when you wake up, hold your spouse close to you for a few moments. Embrace in the bed before you get up. Lock eyes if you can. Say a silent prayer for your spouse. 
2. Text or call often! Text your spouse little love notes throughout the day to let them know you are thinking about them. Call them and chat for a few moments about a funny story or give a quick run down of your day. 
3. Hold hands often! When you are walking in a store or anywhere together, grab your spouse's hand. Don't worry who grabs who's hand first, just grab their hand. Hold hands whenever you have the opportunity. 
4. Talk often! Talk in the morning, afternoon, at night, often. Catch up with each other daily. Don't let a day go by without talking to your spouse and getting updates on what is going on in their life. 
5. Do nice things often! Find out what your spouse likes and then do those things often. Like send flowers (and women - men like flowers also), buy candy, get a card, write a letter or note, watch their favorite movie or TV show with them, cook for them, wash their car, etc. This list is infinite! 
Photo courtesy of Keith Jefferson

Rejuvenate your marriage today and everyday! You only have this one life. If you are not happy it's your own fault. If your marriage is at a stalemate, seek help. Get the tools you need today to have a wonderful marriage and start using them today! 

1 comment:

  1. this was a wonderful blog that can help so many people share it with the world #gummytc
