Monday, December 8, 2014

What I've learned in 44 years...Part 2 of 2

6. It's okay if you haven't accomplished your goals - don't give up! (This one is for me). I didn't want to go into my 40's overweight. However, 4 years into my 40's I'm still trying to lose weight. I was starting to get a little down as December 1st rolled around and I realized I was just a week a way from yet another year of not having accomplished a goal that I set. Well I must like the way I am because if I really wanted to make a change, I would. But I'm not giving up! If you have goals you're trying to accomplish, don't give up until you accomplish them and then strive for another goal. Make a few small goals to help you feel accomplished until you reach your big goal. Establish some consequences and rewards along the way to help you stay on track. Whether you want to lose weight, write a book, read the whole bible, learn to cook, or whatever - you can do it! Don't give up!

7. Money isn't everything! So many people work 80 hours a week trying to make a lucrative salary to buy things to impress people that don't care. Money won't buy time with your family and can't buy the love of your significant other. Learn to live within your means and be good stewards over what God has given you. If you feel you are still in need, ask God to provide. You can't take the money with you when you die; so enjoy the life you've been given and spend quality time with family and friends. 

8. Sex is important in marriage. Sexual intimacy is not just important for men, but it's important for women as well. Women need sexual intimacy more than they may think. Put down your long list of things to do and please your spouse. Be spontaneous and enjoy each other in different areas of the house and in different positions. Explore one another and learn new sensual spots. Sex is important in marriage. 

9. Love is an action not a feeling. Love means doing something to show your love. God loved us so much that He sent His only begotten Son to die for our sins. You can't love your spouse without ever doing anything to show that you love them. Show them your love everyday. Give them a card, cook dinner, make the bed, give them a foot rub or back rub, hold their hand, hug them, and spend time with them, etc. Love your spouse with action not just by telling them. 

10. Surround yourself by loving, godly people. It's important to have others around you that will keep you in line with God's Word and hold you accountable. God designed us for relationships. The enemy wants us to isolate and feel as if we are alone in this world. Surround yourself with other godly people and as a married couple, surround yourself with other godly married people. Hold each other accountable without judgment and pray for one another. 

As I celebrate 44 years...I can say that I am truly pleased with my life right now. I'm in love with a wonderful man. I have an awesome son, that I am so proud of. I am grateful for God's blessings and His favor. I am surrounded by great friends and family. And I am excited to be in God's presence all day! 

Thank you for sharing this day with me. 

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