Monday, December 22, 2014

Are you still learning your spouse?

Have you ever been fixated on a object or a thought and wanted to find out everything you could about it? Such as a familiar actor that you notice on TV but can't remember his name. So you go straight to Google to look up the movie and find the actor's name and other movies that they've starred in. It becomes an obsession. Or what about your favorite sports team or player? You want to know their stats and what other teams they've played on. You study to find out as much information as you can to become knowledgeable about the subject.

Have you ever considered becoming a lifetime student of your spouse? Imagine a marriage where you are constantly learning how to please your spouse and your spouse is constantly learning how to please you. You come home tired and surprised by a bubble bath. You initiate sexual intimacy because you know they need a release. You take your spouse to their favorite restaurant and order their favorite food. You plan a date that is memorable. Your spouse calls or texts you throughout the day to say they love you. Your spouse leaves love notes lying around the house or hidden in special places just for you. You laugh and joke with each other and have little quirky sayings that only the two of you understand. You know when something is wrong with your spouse and you do your best to make them feel better (without fixing it). You study your spouse and want to know how to please him/her on a daily basis.

So how do you get this point in your marriage?
1. Pay close attention to the little things. 
Listen to the little things your spouse says to you. Such as when they mention a favorite song, food, or scent. Make a mental note of how you may surprise your spouse with a little gift or a date based on the little things they've mentioned.
2. Keep a note pad.
Use a note pad or the notes on your phone to jot down those little things that you hear your spouse talking about so you can use them later to plan surprises. Writing down this information is important, especially if you don't have a good memory. You may want to write down sizes and favorite clothing stores.
3. Ask a ton of questions.
Ask your spouse about their ideal date or what their favorite part of a date is. Find out what interests your spouse and what things they like to do. Make sure you take notes. Get to know your spouse on a more intimate level. Become a private eye for your spouse.  

Use the following acronym to help you remember to study your spouse.
S - Study and observe your spouse by watching them closely
T - Think about their feelings and what things make them happy
U - Use information to plan dates or give gifts
D - Discover new and exciting things about your spouse
Y - You will become the spouse God wants you to be

Now go to work! It's nice to have all this information, but make sure you get out of the huddle and put the play into action! It doesn't do any good if learn your spouse but never use this information to brighten their lives.

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