I'm a former English Teacher and an avid reader. I love books. I like how I'm drawn to a book by its colorful cover. The smell of new pages and interesting summary gets me every time. However there are times when I've almost passed up a good read because of an unattractive cover. This happens in life as well. We have a certain picture in mind of how we want our spouse to look and we might even pray to God for particular characteristics. Then we pass up those persons God sends our way because they aren't packaged the way we think they should be.
That was almost the case with El and I. I was praying to God for a spouse and I asked Him for all the great qualities I think a man should have. But when I met El, I almost passed him up because he wasn't packaged the way I thought he should be. God knew what I needed and God sent me exactly what I needed. I just didn't know at the time El was the one. But I'm so glad I decided to open the cover and turn a few pages to peruse the contents before setting the book down for good. I only needed to read the prologue and the summary to determine that El was going to hold my interest. And I was right! He was certainly a page turner but not in the way that I will finish reading him quickly. He has sequels that will never end. In fact there are parts of his story that haven't been written yet and when they're published I'll be first in line to get the one and only copy.
Don't judge a book by its cover. For those of you who are single, your book may be staring you right in the face. And for those married, dust that book jacket off and explore the endless possibilities of love. How is your story going to end?