But watch thou in all things, endure afflictions, do the work of an evangelist, make full proof of thy ministry. (2 Timothy 4:5).
The world is full of thrills and fun. People are carelessly spending more time doing things for their own personal enjoyment than ever before. People are moving away from what the Word tells us to their own devices for personal gain and support. No longer are we living in a society where we stand firm on what God says. People would rather find something that supports what they are saying. So as married couples, we have to be watchful. Marriages are under attack now more than ever. The enemy is preying on pastors, especially. So you may be asking, what can I do?
First, you can understand that others are watching. As a married couple, your living example should be proof to others what God's love is like for His people. People should see your marriage and see a representation of God's love for the church. And people are watching, whether you want them to or not. So instead of giving them the Jerry Springer show that they expect; give them another show: one that God would want you to give them (living testimony). Understand that others are watching.
Second, your marriage is a ministry. When others see you happy and blissful, you are showing them that it is possible to be happy in a marriage. However, if you show that you are unhappy, that is ministering to them also. But if we follow the Word in our marriages and allow it to be our instructional manual; we will be able to show a positive ministry to others. Your marriage is a ministry.
Third, you can abide in God's Word. Let the Word of God saturate your very being and allow the Holy Spirit to rule over your life. God should be on your mind every moment of the day. He should be your all. Abide in God's Word.
...Are you watching closely?
There's another part of this question I want you to consider. Are you watching your spouse closely? Are you paying attention to their wants, needs, desires, etc.? Watching your spouse with a close eye will give you insight into their likes & dislikes; their preferences, their special requests. We should be trying to please our spouse and one way to do that is to know them. You can get to know them by watching them. Of course communication is also another way to get to know them, but watch them also. Watch their body language when you talk to them. Watch their habits: the way they eat, sleep, talk, walk, what music they listen to, how they respond to others, watch. Not like in a stalker kind of way, but in a way that you notice them. There are certain things you should know about your spouse: like how they order food when they go to certain restaurants; or what shoes hurt their feet; or how they like their food prepared; or what their favorite outfit is; or who's their favorite sport's team; or where they like to sit in the movies; or what is their favorite movie; or what their favorite past time is; or what gas station they like to go to; or how they like their clothes ironed; or...
The point is be watchful.
I know that El likes extra mayo on his sandwiches. That he eats his french fries first before his hamburger because he doesn't like them cold. That he starts out sleeping on his right side, but will end up on the left before morning. That he likes his shirts ironed so the crease will show in the sleeve and the collar will lay flat. That he loves his son and will do just about anything for him. That he takes his job seriously and can tell you anything about stereos. That he shakes his leg and pats my back when he is on the phone. That he likes to make up songs. That he likes Transformers and basketball (& he likes when I show interest in both of them). I've been watching him. I am still watching him. And I like watching him. Why not? Who else am I going to watch?
Are you watching closely? Keep watching.
Thought provoking...I have work to do. Thanks for this post. God bless!
ReplyDeleteFirst of all, I am soooo loving that big ole eye on this blog. It's mesmerizing, literally. It brands the entire post in my mind. I have been watching closely lately, and just taking some notes. It's time for me to move to action now. Which brings me to your next post. When everything's okay. I'm on that page with you LADY. Take care! D.
ReplyDeleteEverything said here is so true. We should act accordingly and be good examples so that others may witness God's glory through our lives. Ministry for married couples is really needed especially nowadays and I hope that the people who are doing okay in their marriages stay strong so that they can be there for others who need help.