Let me explain. We are married, we live in the same house; but we are playing games with each other. You know it is really time to stop playing house. We are not little kids anymore playing with dolls, playing doctor and patient, or playing house. We are grown people and we need to grow up. We need to realize that our spouses are a gift from God. We are wasting precious time when we don't treat our spouses with love and respect. Again God commands us to love our spouses and He commands us to respect our spouses. (Ep. 5:33) Why are we not doing what God has COMMANDED us to do. When we don't do this; we are disobedient, plan and simple. There are no excuses. We're disobeying God's command. God wants our marriages to be successful and fulfilled. The devil on the other hand wants to destroy your marriage. The devil wants you to be unhappy, unfulfilled, and unGodly. Don't give in to the devil's trickery. Don't allow the devil to steal your joy. Don't let the devil destroy your marriage.
Put God in the center of your marriage. I know you have heard this before, but we need a revival. We need rejuvenating in our marriages. Too many of us are just going through the motions; we are not really living in God's Will. We are not doing what God has called us to do. God is not going to accept mediocrity; He wants your whole heart. He wants all of you: body, mind, and soul.
Quit playing games. Quit playing house. Quit playing.
Get real with your spouse and get real with your self. Do what God has called you to do, be real in your marriage.
Are you tired of playing, yet? If not, you ought to be. Eventually your game is going to lead to disaster and destruction. God is tired of playing with you. He wants His people to be leaders and set apart. Our marriages shouldn't resemble those in the world. Our marriages should resemble the love that Christ has for the church (an unconditional love).
Are you tired of playing? If not, you should be. Game over.

Um, Love this one...Quit Playing. Sometimes we have to be reminded that we are just playing relationship, playing love, playing marriage. Thank you for the refresher course, for setting the stage regarding how I will plan the rest of my weekend. Sometimes we play in public a lot too, as if everything is Okay when really at the house things are in a shambles. Yeah, Z, It's time to grow the heck up and stop playing, cause we are sure not Barbie dolls, girl! thanks for the gentle reminder.