Dating 101...
- Plan an evening, day, or morning date for your spouse (make sure their schedule is clear and babysitters have been arranged)
- Send them an email, text, or letter (or a simple phone call) and invite them on a date with you
- You may want to say, "I hope you don't have any plans, because I would like to take you to lunch, dinner, etc." or "Will you meet me for breakfast, lunch, or dinner, etc." or "I was wondering if you would like to meet me to watch the sunset or sunshine" or "I would like to take a walk with you this evening" (you get the point)
- Next make sure you have something you would like to talk about with your spouse - you can ask them a series of questions (and it's okay to have them written out); or you may have a riddle for them to complete; or a puzzle; etc
- Make sure you have stimulating conversation - make a point to talk about the things that interest your spouse (so women if you are making the date - talk about the things that interest him)
- Be cordial, polite, and kind, and respectful
- Plan a follow up date (kind of like a follow up appointment) "We will meet again same time, same place next week" or "See you when you get home for dessert" or "Next time I'll pick the place"
- Make the date memorable (you can do this by giving your make a token symbolizing the date - for example: a letter, a poem, a candy or real necklace, a candy ring, a flower, a bookmark, a book, a golf tee, a picture, or a small gift bag of little goodies (such as chocolate, potato chips, gum, pens, note cards, teddy bear, footies, etc.{check your dollar stores or corner stores}); some small token showing your appreciation for them)
- Take time to date your spouse - this is how you continue to grow in love with them and continue to get to know them
- And tune everyone else out while you are on your date; don't bring your cell phone or talk about the people around you; focus on your spouse
(I know we've talked about romantic ideas before, but it is important to continue to do these things. Life is too short. Don't take your spouse for granted. Go on a date).
~This is not just for the men, either. Ladies you can also plan a date for your husband. :)