I was driving one day and noticed my gas light was on letting me know that I needed gas. Well because I was in a hurry, I did not want to stop so I thought I would get the gas on the way back home. I continued to drive... but I was afraid the whole time that I might not make it to my destination and that I would be stranded. I kept looking at the gas hand as if it was going to miraculously change. I tried leaning toward the tank to put weight on that side and turning the car in a way that would make the gas hand move or stay above the empty line. I was really afraid that I would run out of gas so I ended up stopping to get gas and risked being a little late to my destination so I wouldn't be stranded on the side of the road.
However, on another occasion when my gas hand was low, I was unconcerned because my husband was trailing behind me. My gas light was on and I was driving all over the city as if I had a full tank of gas, without a care or concern. Why? Because my husband was right behind me the whole time. If I was to run out of gas, it wouldn't have mattered because he was there to save me. I could hop into his car and we could ride to the gas station; get gas and take it back to my car...no problem!
Well, that is how we should feel about life. Driving around without a concern for mediocre happenings. Why? Because our Father is right there. If we run out of gas, God is right there waiting to save us. He is waiting for us to hop into His car and ride with Him to the gas station to get gas and take it back to our car...no problem! God has it all in control. The question is are you living in fear or in faith? Are you driving around afraid that you will run out gas or are you trusting that if you do run out of gas, God is right there to save you?
In Matthew 14, Jesus had just performed the miracle of feeding 5,000, then he sends the disciples across the sea to the other side of the mountain and after dismissing the multitude, Jesus goes to pray by Himself. Later He walks on the water out to the disciples and startles them...but He assures them that they don't have to be afraid because "it is I". In fact, Peter joins Him on the water. But when Peter saw the wind, he became afraid and took his eyes off Jesus, that's when he began to sink and cry out for Jesus to save him. Notice what Jesus says to him, "You of little faith." But notice what Jesus does immediately...immediately Jesus reaches out His hand and catches Peter. But His question to Peter is "why did you doubt?"
My question to you is why do you doubt? When you know that Jesus will immediately reach out and catch you...why do you doubt? Are you exhibiting faith or fear?
Lord, thank You for Your grace and mercy. Thank You for immediately reaching out and catching us when we are about to fall. Thank You for caring about us even when we don't trust You. Thank You! Amen.