The season of lent begins on Ash Wednesday (which this year is February 17th)and ends the day before Easter (or Resurrection Sunday) April 3rd. Lent is a representation of the 40 day/night fast that Jesus endured. As we embark on this lent season; we are reminded that Jesus gave up food for 40 days/nights to give us an example that we too can endure fasting and be victorious over the enemy. (Matthew 4:1-11). During the season of lent; Christians give up something as a sacrifice for 40 days (if you count Sunday; it is actually 46 days). This sacrifice is usually some form of food: sugar, candy, sodas, bread, meat, etc. Usually it is something that may seem hard for you to give up. For the past 3 years, our family has given up our Friday ritual of eating fried fish at Cracker Barrel. But this year we've decided to give up something else: television. Not only do you give a sacrifice; you should also spend time praying and reading God's Word. This is very important-so you won't be tempted and also to continue growing in a deeper relationship with God.
How wonderful it would be if we got closer to God through reading His Word, praying, and fasting. Examine the closeness we could gain with our spouses by getting closer to God. Remember the enemy wants to destroy your union; don't let him. Build a strong hold; be victorious during lent and get stronger in the Lord.
If you haven't already started fasting; do it today. Make the sacrifice. Christ did for us.
God Bless.