Saturday, February 21, 2009

Make a date!

You remember when you used to date? You would call up that person and ask them out. Why can't you date your spouse? You can!

Dating 101...
  • Plan an evening, day, or morning date for your spouse (make sure their schedule is clear and babysitters have been arranged)
  • Send them an email, text, or letter (or a simple phone call) and invite them on a date with you
  • You may want to say, "I hope you don't have any plans, because I would like to take you to lunch, dinner, etc." or "Will you meet me for breakfast, lunch, or dinner, etc." or "I was wondering if you would like to meet me to watch the sunset or sunshine" or "I would like to take a walk with you this evening" (you get the point)
  • Next make sure you have something you would like to talk about with your spouse - you can ask them a series of questions (and it's okay to have them written out); or you may have a riddle for them to complete; or a puzzle; etc
  • Make sure you have stimulating conversation - make a point to talk about the things that interest your spouse (so women if you are making the date - talk about the things that interest him)
  • Be cordial, polite, and kind, and respectful
  • Plan a follow up date (kind of like a follow up appointment) "We will meet again same time, same place next week" or "See you when you get home for dessert" or "Next time I'll pick the place"
  • Make the date memorable (you can do this by giving your make a token symbolizing the date - for example: a letter, a poem, a candy or real necklace, a candy ring, a flower, a bookmark, a book, a golf tee, a picture, or a small gift bag of little goodies (such as chocolate, potato chips, gum, pens, note cards, teddy bear, footies, etc.{check your dollar stores or corner stores}); some small token showing your appreciation for them)
  • Take time to date your spouse - this is how you continue to grow in love with them and continue to get to know them
  • And tune everyone else out while you are on your date; don't bring your cell phone or talk about the people around you; focus on your spouse

(I know we've talked about romantic ideas before, but it is important to continue to do these things. Life is too short. Don't take your spouse for granted. Go on a date).

~This is not just for the men, either. Ladies you can also plan a date for your husband. :)

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

It's the little things

Valentine's day has come and gone, but that does not mean that you have to stop being romantic. Take a look at the e-card I sent my spouse. All week before Valentine's day we were competing to see who could do the most creative and romantic thing. I started with a box of dove chocolates with personalized notes on each wrapper (courtesy of He came back with a dozen chocolate roses from dove & a teddy bear. I received two dozen roses on Thursday. We continued to give cards and little notes and e-cards. Don't let Valentine's day be a day of the past or just something you do once a year. Make everyday Valentine's day! E-cards are free. Send one to your spouse today.

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Monday, February 2, 2009

Love & Respect, part 2

Ephesians 5:33 says, "However, each one of you also must love his wife as he loves himself, and the wife must respect her husband."

Respect part two. Wives you must respect your husbands. Again husbands are supposed to love their wives and we are supposed to respect our husbands. Well you may ask yourself, what does respect look like in a relationship? That question is what does respect look like in your relationship? Respect is different in every relationship. A man would rather be alone and unloved than disrespected. He values respect in a relationship over every other emotion or feeling. So how do you respect the man in your life? First, if you have no idea, you may want to ask your spouse. Find out what makes him feel respected and find out what things make him feel disrespected. Beware though! You may not like his answers, but LISTEN. Really listen to him. I suggest that you ask him when you have quiet time with just the two of you. And then practice what you've heard from him. Practice respect with your husband. Practice showing respect to your husband in front of others. Practice respect. Wife respect your husband.

Then beware again. When you begin to respect him, he will continue to love you. It is the crazy cycle that Emerson talks about: the husband needs to be respected in order to show love and the wife must be loved in order to show respect. So who breaks the cycle of unloving & disrespectfulness? Who cares. But wives if you waste time trying to wait on him to love you before you will respect him, then you are wasting precious time. If he dies tonight, will it matter who broke the cycle? I doubt it. But you will be sorry that you didn't take the first step. Break the cycle. Respect your husbands. Not only will you be loved, but it is a command from God- so if nothing else you will be obedient to God and that is reward enough in itself.

Respect your spouse.