Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Why don't you know Jesus?

On Tuesday as I walked into work, El called me to tell me his store (where he works) was being shut down and they were asked to pack up their belongings and vacate the building. The locks were being changed and the store was closing. I asked El was he going to be okay and I assured him that everything would be alright. As I was talking to El, I received a message on my phone (in big bold letters) from the Cornelius and Heather Lindsey app: "DON'T WORRY! THINGS ARE GOING TO WORK OUT!" I already knew this, but it was nice for the Lord to send
reassurance. He is so awesome! I screenshot this message and texted it to El. When I hung up the phone, I immediately starting praising God. Counting it all joy! (James 1:2) because God is in control. God is always in control! ALWAYS! Sometimes we don't understand what God is doing, but He is always in control.

I suggested El file for unemployment and then go home and chill. I asked him did he want to go eat when I got off work or did he need me to bring something home. I wasn't worried. I wasn't stressed. I was on to the next subject: dinner. God was in control. There was no need for me to worry. ...And just so you know, I've worked a part-time job for the last 4 years and my hours had recently been reduced from 30 to 15 hours a week. However, when I got off the phone with El, my supervisor made the announcement that she needed us to work more hours. Look at God! In the midst of what others may see as a terrible situation, God was in control.

Well, El went home, filed for unemployment and started putting in applications; however, the next morning he got a call from the owner stating that the stores will re-open on Thursday and everyone was to report back to work! Hallelujah! Praise God! Look at God! He is always in control!

So why don't you know Jesus? Why don't you believe what He says? God is faithful! So many people quote bible scriptures and post phrases as if they know Jesus, but when trials and tribulations come their way, they falter. They panic. They start to question Him. They run around trying to solve the problem themselves. They don't trust Him. However, when you know Jesus, you can have peace. You don't have to panic. You don't have to question Him or try to solve your problems.

When you really know Jesus....
1. You don't panic. El's phone was ringing off the hook. Everyone was calling wanting to know what he was going to do and letting him know that they were going to put in a good word for him for a job elsewhere. People were wondering what they were going to do and how they were going to get it done. There's no need to panic when you know Christ. You do your part and God will do His. He's in control.
2. You go to the source. We went straight to Jesus. First, giving Him praise and then thanking Him for what we know He is able to do even if He doesn't do it. On Sunday, Trey (Frank Ray, III) spoke during offering and told us to release what we were holding on to so God could open a window and pour down a blessing that we won't have room enough to receive it (Malachi 3:10). Trey said after we release what we're holding, we were to open our hands and pull down our blessings. I was thanking God for His word, His blessings, His love, His faithfulness, for Him alone.
3. You don't change your countenance. CJ came home from work and saw El's truck in the driveway (before he was scheduled to be off). CJ wasn't the least worried about why his dad was home, yet he was excited that El was home. He was going to spend some time with dad and he was happy. El wasn't sad or depressed. He was completing online applications and he was at peace. God was in control.
4. You go to sleep. El and I weren't up pacing the floor that night. Instead we could barely stay awake even to watch TV. We weren't fazed. We weren't concerned. We went to sleep. God was in control. We've seen Jesus work miraculously in our lives before and this was just one more time for God to show up and show out!

Do you know Jesus? you know Him? Do you know Him when trials and tribulations come your way? Because we can all say we know Him when things are going well, but when life takes us by surprise, do we still know Him?

El will report to work on Thursday; his mini vacation is over. Lol. Praise God! God is faithful! He's in control! Thank you, Lord!

Lord, You are so faithful and so awesome. You are always just. Thank you for showing up and showing out one more time. Thank you for peace. Thank you for loving us even though we are not deserving of your love. Thank you, Father! Thank you! In Jesus' Name. 

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