Friday, January 31, 2014

28 Day Challenge to Love Yourself!

Sisters in Christ,
I encourage you to take the 28 day challenge, starting tomorrow, to love yourself more. Each day, I will give you encouraging challenges to help you along your journey. Each post contains a short paragraph with a small challenge for you to complete that day. I urge you to keep a journal or notes on your progress and emotions during the next 28 days. I have also included a closing prayer for you to repeat that will encourage your strength and motivation. May God bless you abundantly!

I appreciate you for taking the time to complete this challenge. Feel free to leave comments, questions, and concerns.

God Bless,

Monday, January 27, 2014

Save the Date: 28 Days of Love ~ February 1, 2014

Ladies, get ready to love on yourselves! That's right...starting February 1, 2014 we are going to spend 28 days falling in love with ourselves. Sounds selfish and vain, right? Well actually it's well needed. As mothers, caregivers, wives, girlfriends, aunts, sisters, and friends we spend a lot of time loving everyone else but ourselves. In fact, many of us have never known how to love and appreciate our bodies. So we are going to spend February (the month of love & black history) to love on us! I will post challenges here every day in February to empower our love of self.

Stay tuned and start praying now that God will help you fulfill this 28 day empowerment of love. Ask the Holy Spirit to give you wisdom, strength, and encouragement to really look at yourself and love what you see. Also invite another woman to join you. I won't ask you to do anything too hard. I promise. But I will ask for you to embrace your womanhood and love the person you see in the mirror.

Lord, I pray that you give encouragement to all ladies reading this blog and women everywhere. Help us to put away self destruction and self pity. Give us self confidence and self esteem. Help us to see what You see! Help us to appreciate the qualities that You have given us and to love ourselves from the inside out! In Jesus' name, Amen.